INC NEWS - Sierra Club meeting on water quality

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Wed Oct 4 12:15:47 EDT 2006

At least some neighborhoods are have run-off into Falls Lake.

Regards, pat

Durham Sierra Club Meeting
"Falls Lake Update"
Tuesday, October 17th, at 7:30p.m.

Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (ERUUF)
at 4907 Garrett Road in Durham.

Get an update on water quality in the Falls Lake
Watershed and NC’s upcoming regulations
from Chris Dreps of the Upper Neuse River Basin
Association ( He’ll offer
some ideas about what you can do to encourage
protection of this vital resource.

Directions: Take Garrett Rd south from 15/501 opposite
Oak Creek shopping center and the Toyota dealership..
Go 0.7 mile. ERUUF is on the left. We meet in
Room 7 in the Education Building, the furthest building back
on the ERUUF campus. For more information, contact Scott Job at 
earthscott at

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