pat carstensen pats1717 at
Thu Oct 5 18:06:46 EDT 2006

Inter-Neighborhood Council
Minutes of Meeting of August 22, 2006

David Harris	Old Farm
Kim Oberle	Durham Parks and Recreation
Joe Chambliss	Forest Hills Neighborhood
Janet Hitti	Parkwood
Rosemarie Kitchin	Falconbridge
Lynwood D. Best	Neighborhood Improvement Services
Randy Pickle	Forest Hills
Jim Ellenson	Old North Durham
Emily Weinstein	EANG – Solterra
Thelma Glenn White	Emorywood Estate
Mike Woodard	WHHNA
Bill Anderson	Duke Park
Michael Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
Cheryl Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
Paul Cornsweet	Morehead Hills NA
Barry Ragin	Duke Park
Risa Foster	Trinity Heights
Craigie Sanders	Grove Park
Pat Carstensen	Cross County
Susan Sewell	Tuscaloosa-Lakewood
Lorisa Seibel	Durham Affordable Housing
Regina deLacy	Hope Valley Farms North
Ken Gasch	Colonial Village
Cathy Abernathy	Hope Valley
Melissa Rooney	Fairfield NA

Introductions – President Mike Woodard opened the meeting.  Members 
introduced themselves.

Public Safety – The resolution on glass pipes (Appendix A) passed 

Officers for 2006-07 – Nominees are:
	Past President – Mike Woodard
	President – David Harris
	President-Elect – Ken Gasch
	Secretary – Pat Carstensen
	Treasurer – Randy Pickle
	At-Large Members – Regina deLacy, Risa Foster, Craigie Sanders

Transportation – Mark Ahrendsen talked about the East End Connector (which 
has been on the books since 1959 and is fully funded, so they have started 
studying routes to avoid / minimize impacts), coordinated timed traffic 
signals (with new equipment, fiber-optic communications and a control center 
in city hall and in spite of delays, it is hoped we will have it fully 
integrated and working by the middle of next year), Broad and Perry (they 
may end up putting in a traffic light) and the South West Durham Collector 
Plan.  Useful websites: and

Other Items
1. We approved the August minutes.  As of 9/12/06, we have $755.94 in 
checking and $2227.82 in savings.  Dues will be due in January and notices 
will be sent in December.
2. Neighborhood Hero Awards – There were 19 nominees for neighborhood 
heroes.  There will also be INC awards.
3. Getting out at CenterFest was very successful.  We hope to get some new 
neighborhood members and got a good list of neighborhood concerns.
4. Big Sweep is October 7.
5. Neighborhood Improvement Services Department will be putting on programs 
on minimal housing code.
6. Parks and Rec is putting together Youth Team and looking for youth 
7. Campaign for Decent Housing will have annual meeting on September 30, 
concentrating on ideas that work.
8. Durham Animal Shelter is having a contest for "spokespet" -- $10 entry 
9. The agreement on New Hope Park has been finalized.
10. There will be a Bylaws Committee to look at updates, consisting of 
David, Pat, Randy, Cathy Abernathy, and possibly other officers.
11. Bring calendars to October meeting to decide when we want to meet in 
November / December.

The meeting was adjourned.
Appendix A

Petition To Stop the Sale Of Crack Pipes

         Whereas Drug Paraphernalia is any legitimate equipment, product, or 
material that is modified for making, using, or concealing illegal drugs 
such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine.

         Whereas Law Enforcement Officials have confirmed that "glass stems" 
are being used as modified equipment pipes to smoke (crack) cocaine and 

         Whereas the Rose in a Glass "glass stems" should not be sold in 
Durham stores.

         Now, therefore, let it be resolved that the InterNeighborhood 
Council of Durham asks Durham City and County should include these and 
similar glass stems in the list of banned drug paraphernalia.

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