INC NEWS - thanks

RW Pickle randy at
Wed Oct 25 16:56:20 EDT 2006

I'm sorry I missed the meeting last night. But I'd rather get over this
crud than give it others.

Maybe you talked about this, I don't know.

But I'd like to thank INC Executive Board members Josh Parker, Bill
Anderson, and Mike Woodard for their service to INC and the neighborhoods
of Durham. I've enjoyed working with you. And why I'm at it, welcome the
new Board members and thank them for helping out.

Mike will still be involved in the Board as Past President, and I'm sure
Bill and Josh will continue to be involved in community affairs as well. I
read in the Crime Log of the Herald Sun today that Bill has taken up
"vagrant wrestling". So good luck to "Bouncing Bill" as he starts his new

27 Beverly

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