INC NEWS - Fwd: Does Durham have communication & evacuation plans in place for chemical spills from trains?

John Schelp bwatu at
Thu Oct 26 13:12:38 EDT 2006

Pat (and Ellen),

Thanks for the information on the possibility of a
similar chemical fire happening in Durham.

Hazardous chemical spills/fires from passing trains is
a big issue in several US cities. It's front page news
in Washington, DC, where freight trains come through
the middle of town.

Below is FYI. Will share the response I get.

have a good day,

> Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 09:05
> From: John Schelp <bwatu at>
> Subject: Does Durham have communication & evacuation
> plans in place for chemical spills from trains?
> To: Patrick Baker <patrick.baker at>
> Hi Patrick,
> Below is FYI (from today's AP wire).
> With the Apex fire in mind, does Durham have
> communication and evacuation plans in place for
> chemical spills from trains?
> How would neighbors near the RR tracks be notified?
> Where would shelters be located for a chemical spill
> in East Durham, downtown or in West Durham?
> What plans are in place to test the air, water and
> soil before giving residents the "All Clear" to
> return home?
> with appreciation,
> John
> ****
> Chemical Spill Prompts Evacuation in Ky. 
> Associated Press, 19 Oct 2006
> A railroad tanker that was leaking hydrochloric acid
> forced the evacuation Thursday of much of this far
> western Kentucky town along the Tennessee border,
> authorities said. 
> The leak had not yet been contained, said Donna
> Cook, dispatch supervisor for Fulton police and
> There were no reports of injuries in the town of
> about 2,500 people, she said. 
> The evacuation covered a half-mile radius and
> included
> a high school and elementary school, she said.
> Students were taken to a high school just across the
> state line in South Fulton, Tenn. 
> Shelters were set up at a church and a senior
> citizens center, she said. 
> ****

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