INC NEWS - halloween humor

RW Pickle randy at
Mon Oct 30 01:08:54 EST 2006

Since Halloween is just around the corner, here's a website that might
help you out on that pumpkin carving. It's pretty neat.

A neighbor sent me the above link. But while I was on the site, they are
having a contest or two for Halloween. Since Barry sent out a notice today
about the Bark In The Park event in Duke Park that is coming up, I thought
you might enjoy seeing some of the costumes others have come up with for
their pets. Some are pretty good (as far as dog and cat costumes go). Here
is the ideas page that led to the contest.

To see the current contest entries, just follow the link to the contest
off the pumpkin carving page.

The 3 headed dog and the dog/spider are really good.

So if you do a good job at costuming your animal, here's a chance to pick
up a prize for your efforts! It had dogs, cats, a lizard and even a horse
dressed up in costume. The things people do to their animals...

27 Beverly

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