INC NEWS - Arts events: Durham Youth Document; Watts Hospital-Hillandale Neighborhood Art Walk; Durham Art Walk

Laura Drey lkdrey2 at
Mon Oct 30 10:44:01 EST 2006

Reception Nov 4; through January 7 Youth Document Durham: A Five-Year
Retrospective, 2000 ­ 2004
November 5  Watts Hospital-Hillandale Neighborhood Art Walk
November 11 & 12 Durham Art Walk

Saturday, November 4, 2-4 p.m.
Exhibition Reception and Book Party
Youth Document Durham: A Five-Year Retrospective, 2000 - 2004
Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University 660-3663
1317 Pettigrew St.  (Off Swift Ave., across from Duke University¹s East
Campus. at Main St. Broad becomes Swift. Hwy 147 take Swift Rd. exit) (D)
Porch Gallery
www.cds.aas.duke edu/
On display through January 7, 2007
"Young people-­in various circumstances and for many reasons­-have often
been the subjects of documentary photographs. In Durham, North Carolina, not
unlike other places, youth have also often been the subject of intense
debate among local leaders and politicians, discussions which include the
high school drop-out rate, perceived youth gang issues and teen violence,
the rising teen pregnancy rate, and the growing numbers of Spanish-language
learners. Youth Document Durham (YDD), a program at the Center for
Documentary Studies at Duke University, grew out of a simple idea in
response to these realities. We wanted to put cameras and audio recorders in
the hands of a local group of racially and culturally diverse young people
so that they could represent their own lives through words and pictures to
each other and to the community.
"One of the values inherent in teaching documentary work is found in the
learning that comes from doing fieldwork. Youth Document Durham teaches
young documentarians a meaningful and purposeful way of interacting with the
world around them. They begin to see how they are connected to a larger
community, how they are similar to people they thought vastly different from
them, and how their actions affect the people around them.
"Documentary work is an intensive process that demands thoughtful
engagement. Through this engagement, young people are encouraged to have an
opinion and speak up. Through public events and projects such as gallery
shows and exhibit openings, community presentations, and publications, these
young people share their photographs and audio pieces with their peers and
with adults, encouraging dialogue about local issues.

"Youth Document Durham provides an opportunity for young people to tell
their part of the community story, and in return, we hope that they are
inspired to effect change in their own lives and in the world around

Youth Document Durham is funded in part by a grant from the City of Durham.
Additional support for CDS Exhibitions is provided by the Office of the
Provost at Duke University.

GALLERY HOURS: MON-THU 9-7, FRI 9-5, SAT 11-4, SUN 1-5


 <> The exhibition Youth Document
Durham: A Five-Year Retrospective, 2000-2004 celebrates the recently
published book by the same name and the work of the young people who
participated in the community-based program at the Center for Documentary
Studies. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the reception,
or order on-line at:



Art Festivals

November 5 
Watts Hospital-Hillandale Neighborhood Art Walk
Maps at 2311 W. Club Blvd or 1301 Alabama or at any other artwalk house on
the way in Durham. All stops are marked.
Over 35 local artists and friends.
Noon ­ 6 pm.  Free.

November 11 & 12
Durham Art Walk  560-2787
Downtown Durham. Maps may be picked up at the Durham Arts Council, 120
Morris Street.  Has special exhibits. Every placed marked with red dots.
Saturday 10 am - 5 pm,  Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm   Rain or Shine
³Here¹s a chance for urban explorers to discover hidden treasures by artists
in downtown studios, impromptu exhibit venues, and revitalized living
spaces.² <>

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