INC NEWS - DRAFT October minutes

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Sat Nov 4 07:37:19 EST 2006

Please let me know of any corrections.  Thanks, pat

Inter-Neighborhood Council
Minutes of Meeting of October 24, 2006

David Harris	Old Farm
Annette Smith	Durham Parks and Recreation
Joe Chambliss	Forest Hills Neighborhood
Janet Hitti	Parkwood
Rosemarie Kitchin	Falconbridge
Toya Merritt	Neighborhood Improvement Services
Randy Pickle	Forest Hills
Jim Ellenson	Old North Durham
Emily Weinstein	EANG – Solterra
Stacey Poston	City of Durham, Solid Waste
Mike Woodard	WHHNA
Bill Anderson	Duke Park
Michael Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
Cheryl Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
Bobbe Deason	Morehead Hills NA
Vicki Schneider	Woodlake HOA
Colin Crossman	Walltown & PAC2
Craigie Sanders	Grove Park
Pat Carstensen	Cross County
Amanda Arrington	N. Garrett Road
Cindy Bailey	Animal Control
Regina deLacy	Hope Valley Farms North
Ken Gasch	Colonial Village
Cathy Abernathy	Hope Valley
Carrie Mowry	Old North Durham
Leslie Frost	Old North Durham
John Compton	Preservation Durham
Myers Sugg	Tuscaloosa Lakewood

Introductions – President Mike Woodard opened the meeting.  Members 
introduced themselves.

Economic and Workforce Development – Alan DeLisle and Chris Dickey gave an 
overview of the department, the performing arts center, and neighborhood 
grants.  Durham is only place in NC with a single department for doing 
economic development and helping individuals (especially unskilled workers 
and at-risk youth) improve their skills.  One of the big questions with the 
Performing Arts Center was to make sure it complements, rather than competes 
with, the Arts Center.  They feel they have come up with a good agreement 
with the operator, where we will see no operating deficit for the next 10 
years and still get 40% of the profits plus $$ from each ticket to cover 
maintenance.  As an example of the advantage of combining economic and 
workforce development, there is a strong workforce development component in 
the construction plans.

On neighborhood grants, we are trying to extend the momentum that has 
developed around downtown to some of the near-by neighborhoods.  There was a 
study to figure out targets and methods; it was used to write an RFP for 
making grants.  The City Council vote was to proceed on 4 proposals (out of 
7 submitted to RFP), not to approve contract on the 4.  They are going 
forward on the 2 non-controversial ones, will probably have a public hearing 
on the Union Baptist Church’s proposal, and UDI needs to get clear control 
of the property they are looking at.  The department has learned they need 
to improve communications in the grant-making process and involve neighbors 

One of the issues with the Union Baptist Church proposal is that they have 
already torn down a historic ice cream shop at which there was a sit-in 
before the famous one in Greensboro.  INC voted to support putting up a 
plaque or other appropriate commemoration at the site.

Officers for 2006-07 – The following were elected by acclamation:
	Past President – Mike Woodard
	President – David Harris
	President-Elect – Ken Gasch
	Secretary – Pat Carstensen
	Treasurer – Randy Pickle
	At-Large Members – Amanda Arrington, Risa Foster, Craigie Sanders

Other Items
1. We approved the September minutes.  We have $586.75 in checking and 
$2228.01 in savings.  Dues will be due in January and notices will be sent 
in December.
2. The 4th Tuesday of November is after Thanksgiving so we will meet 
November 28 and not have a December meeting.
3. Parks and Rec – Neighborhoods should consider participating in Dec. 2 
Holiday Parade.  There was also information on Art Walk, Senior Holiday 
Party, and Genesis House Feast.
4. Neighborhood Hero Awards – Patrick Baker will be guest speaker.
5. Solid Waste – Very successful in the Cash for Cans campaign.
6. Keep Durham Beautiful – They will need volunteers for bulb planting.
7. Neighborhood Improvement Services – Looking for ways to improve processes 
– for example, what community education pieces would be useful.
8. Animal Control – With end of daylight savings time, their hours will 
change.  Please don’t run your own animal control – call animal control 
rather than keeping strays you find.
9. The committee working against chaining pets is continuing to research 
recommendations and is starting a fence fund to help people who can’t afford 
10. Preservation Durham is moving into new space.  Come to the annual 
preservation party.
11. Durham does not have any toxic waste facilities like the one that burned 
in Apex.

The meeting was adjourned.

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