INC NEWS - INC by-laws

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Sun Nov 12 15:22:51 EST 2006

One of the things we agreed to do at September meeting was to see if there 
is anything in by-laws that needs to be revised.  The two things that came 
up in the last year are:
1) President's Report -- supposed to be done an September meeting, but in 
practice it has come out as part of dues notice at end of year.
2) Size of neighborhoods that may be members.  Currently neighborhoods have 
to have at least 40 households and the association has to represent at least 
15% of the households.  (So 6 households is minimum number a delegate has to 

A copy of the by-laws is at

Please let me know if we should be discussing any other parts of the by-laws

Thanks, pat

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