INC NEWS - Attn: DA - Gainey, Kathy or Cathy

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Wed Nov 15 10:03:27 EST 2006

Durham District Attorney's Office,

On November 21, Cathy Gainey is scheduled to appear for her first appearance (court room 4) to answer for the charges of Misdemeanor SIMPLE ASSAULT.  It is my understanding that Ms. Gainey assaulted Mr. Bill Anderson on October 24.  

Mr. Bill Anderson is a leader in our community.  He works tirelessly to make our city a better place in which to live.  He is also a leader within PAC2.  He also happen to be a dear friend to both me and my family.  

My past experiences with the DA's office have been wonderful.  I have seen our criminal justice system in action many times now.  The system works well when everyone does their part.  I believe that the most important role in our criminal justice system is the role of "we the people."  

As you build your case against Ms. Gainey, please know that you will have the full support of "we the people."  Please let us know how we can help.  We will be present when and if the DA's office asks us to do so.  We are standing by. 

Also, it is my understanding that Kathy Gainey, who is scheduled to appear on 12/14 for trespass charges and communicating threats, is the same person discussed above.  I understand that career criminals will frequently give officials different name spellings in an effort to confuse the system.

Ken Gasch
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