INC NEWS - Events

Laura Drey lkdrey2 at
Wed Nov 22 21:44:00 EST 2006

There are a number of reasons why I offer ideas for what to do in the
Triangle.  I want people to take breaks and to advantage of what exists
nearby.  I know from my living in Durham for 25 years that Durham.  I do not
believe people have to go on a vacation in order to enjoy themselves.  I
feel that people need to take some time off because I believe that doing so
brings people closer together.

I feel that holiday time is a great time to go exploring.  Happy
Thanksgiving.  Laura

Events (are listed by when the event is taking place or when it finishes)

Sunday, December 3
Bennett Place Annual Christmas open house from 1 p.m.-4 p.m

Bennett Place is located in West Durham, and can be reached by taking 15-501
North, the Durham Freeway (147), or I-85; follow the brown historic site
This event will feature the Bennett farm house decorated for the holidays. 
There will be time for visiting with costumed interpreters in the historic
buildings, listening to holiday music, taking part in parlor activities,
listen to a reading of Night Before Christmas, watching a traditional
Christmas meal being prepared, learning about gifts given during the Civil
War and how those gifts made their way through the Confederate mail system. 
Visitors can warm themselves by a blacksmiths forge and tasty refreshments
will be available.  This event is free and open to the public though
donations are gratefully accepted. 

For further information please call 919-383-4345, email bennett at
or visit our website at .


Friday, December 1, at 2 p.m.
East Regional Library, 211 Lick Creek Ln.   (off Highway 98 in eastern
Durham County)
Judson Edeburn, resource manager for Duke Forest at Duke University, will
discuss the history of the acquisition of Duke Forest, its management and
the many uses of the land and its resources over the past 75 years.
Free and open to the public 
For more information call 560-0218.


through ­ December 17
Annual Durham Art Guild's Annual Juried Art Show
Durham Arts Council
120 Morris St. Durham


November 17 ­ December 23, 2006
Life on Mars, Part I:
A Photo-Critique of America by Jean-Christian Rostagni
Through This Lens  919.687.0250
303 E. Chapel Hill St  downtown Durham, (between the Marriott and the Post

According to the photographer, many people in Western Europe wonder exactly
what planet Americans are from ­ baffled by ³apparent incompatibilities
between the America that we see as a place of advanced technology, a
laboratory for progress, and the America which also gives us the death
penalty, war mongering, and religious fundamentalism².  Mars, home of the
God of War, seemed to be the most likely candidate.  Rostagni¹s work is
smart and political, filtered through the lens of an outsider who knows
their subject well.  Even more relevant in the post 9-11 era, the exhibit¹s
premiere is timed to closely follow November¹s mid-term elections, with the
balance of the United States Congress at stake.


through January 7, 2007
Youth Document Durham: A Five-Year Retrospective, 2000 - 2004
Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University 660-3663
1317 Pettigrew St.  (Off Swift Ave., across from Duke University¹s East
Campus. at Main St. Broad becomes Swift. Hwy 147 take Swift Rd. exit) (D)
www.cds.aas.duke edu/
"Young people-­in various circumstances and for many reasons­-have often
been the subjects of documentary photographs. In Durham, North Carolina, not
unlike other places, youth have also often been the subject of intense
debate among local leaders and politicians, discussions which include the
high school drop-out rate, perceived youth gang issues and teen violence,
the rising teen pregnancy rate, and the growing numbers of Spanish-language
learners. Youth Document Durham (YDD), a program at the Center for
Documentary Studies at Duke University, grew out of a simple idea in
response to these realities. We wanted to put cameras and audio recorders in
the hands of a local group of racially and culturally diverse young people
so that they could represent their own lives through words and pictures to
each other and to the community.
"One of the values inherent in teaching documentary work is found in the
learning that comes from doing fieldwork. Youth Document Durham teaches
young documentarians a meaningful and purposeful way of interacting with the
world around them. They begin to see how they are connected to a larger
community, how they are similar to people they thought vastly different from
them, and how their actions affect the people around them.

thru January 2007
This is an ongoing call for artists through December and beyond...
Holiday Artists' Marketplace in The Scrap Exchange Gallery
Your choice of a $50.00 flat fee with 10% of sales going to The Scrap
Exchange, or a 60/40 split (60% of sales to artist, 40% to The Scrap
Exchange). You can put as much or as little as you like in the Marketplace,
and we will have several special events during the show to promote you and
your work. It's a great opportunity to sell your work, and yourself!
The Scrap Exchange  688-6960
548 Foster Street, Durham


SafeSkills® is offering its' Self-Defense Workshop for adult women of all
ages and teen girls on Saturday February 24, 2007. Don't miss this
opportunity to learn powerful skills for staying safe. The SafeSkills®
instructors, Kathy Hopwood and Beth Seigler, have taught these workshops to
thousands of women and teen girls. Their approach is not to frighten but to
enlighten. Join us and see what a difference SafeSkills® makes!
       When:     Saturday February 24,  1:00-5:00PM
* Where:     SafeSkills® Training Center, 3710 Shannon Rd,  Shannon Plaza,
* Who:         SafeSkills® Instructors Kathy Hopwood and Beth Seigler have
been teaching  self-defense since the early 1980's.
* Cost:    $55 -  Enrollment is limited in this workshop and
pre-registration is  required to reserve your space.
* How: Pre-registration is by check. A  registration form can be found by
clicking the "Printable Registration  Form" link at We will send you a confirmation
letter guaranteeing your space in the  workshop.
* If you cannot print the registration  form on our website simply send a
check payable to "SafeSkills". Our mailing  address is PO Box 61643 Durham
NC 27715. Please include you name, address,  phone number and email address.
We will send you a confirmation letter  guaranteeing your space in the
* Questions?    We will be glad  to answer your questions either by email
safeskills at or by  phone 919-644-1335
* As you may know, due to our teaching schedule, we only offer this workshop
open to the public four times a year and space is limited.


On display indefinitely.
Fieldwork: Unearthing Stories of North Carolina Agriculture
The Marketplace, East Campus, Duke University

Fieldwork features photographs and narratives of farmworkers, farmers, and
food transporters in an exhibition that attempts to spotlight and to
humanize the largely invisible steps involved in bringing food from the
ground where it's grown to the table where it's consumed. On display in the
Marketplace dining hall on Duke University's East Campus, Fieldwork
encourages Duke students and faculty and other viewers to ask questions, to
consider how the stories they see portrayed might lead to rethinking
agricultural practices, and to help ensure that the food we eat comes to us
through a process that is consistent with our values.

Open the hours that food is served.

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