INC NEWS - Keep Durham Beautiful Nationally Honored

RW Pickle randy at
Wed Nov 29 02:48:58 EST 2006

>From the City PR Dept.
27 Beverly

Award Recognizes Ongoing Exemplary Effort to Beautify Durham
Durham, N.C. – Keep Durham Beautiful (KDB) will soon receive national
recognition for the second consecutive year from Keep America Beautiful,
Inc., the nation’s largest nonprofit community improvement and educational
organization, for its efforts to prevent litter and improve the aesthetic
beauty of Durham. 
The President’s Circle Award recognizes exemplary work by affiliates in
Keep America Beautiful’s Network to reduce litter, minimize waste and
beautify and improve their local communities.  KDB joined Keep America
Beautiful as an affiliate chapter in September 2005.  The President’s
Circle Award will be presented to KDB during the President’s Circle
Luncheon, taking place during Keep America Beautiful’s 53rd Anniversary
National Conference in Orlando, Fla. in early December.
According to G. Raymond Empson, president of Keep America Beautiful,
President Circle Award winners are among the best affiliates in the
country.  “Our affiliates are providing real solutions to problems like
litter, graffiti, illegal dumping and other community blights,” Empson
said.  “By enabling people of all ages to participate in community
improvement efforts, Keep Durham Beautiful is represented among the best
in promoting the values Keep America Beautiful espouses nationally.”
In qualifying for a President’s Circle Award, KDB met Keep America
Beautiful’s standards of excellence by conducting an annual Litter Index,
calculating the affiliate’s cost/benefit ratio and engaging volunteers to
take greater responsibility for their community environment.  In addition,
KDB conducted activities in Keep America Beautiful’s three core focus
areas of litter prevention, waste reduction/beautification and community
“We are very proud to receive this award for the second time,” said Monica
Barnes, chairwoman of KDB’s Board of Directors.  “Our volunteers put in
almost 3,000 hours of work last year to improve Durham.  They understand
how reducing litter also reduces crime, the importance of educating other
citizens about the impact of waste on our community’s environment and the
impact that improving the overall beauty of our environment has on our
quality of life.  I believe that their dedication to the growing momentum
of this organization is the reason we were awarded this honor again.”
KDB is a nonprofit, volunteer organization working in partnership with the
City and County of Durham to bring private businesses, citizens and
community organizations together to conserve and enhance the appearance
and environment of Durham.  To learn more about KDB, visit the City’s
website at
For more information about participating in future KDB events and
activities, contact Dorothea Pierce, program coordinator for KDB, at (919)
560-4186, extension 252 or via e-mail at dorothea.pierce at
To learn more about Keep America Beautiful, visit

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