INC NEWS - Fwd: seeking working group members for FHWA pedestrian safety project

Emily Weinstein weinsteinart at
Tue Dec 5 21:31:54 EST 2006

> The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Safety Office is seeking
> individuals from communities across the country to provide input on a
> new project to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety. The purpose of
> the “Pedestrian Safety Information for Communities and Transit
> Locations” project is to develop user-friendly toolkit (e.g.,  
> guide with
> brochures, handouts, supporting web pages, etc.) to help citizens
> understand and suggest effective pedestrian safety improvements and
> strategies in their communities. The toolkit will include materials  
> that
> will be tailored to rural, low-resource, and Non-English audiences  
> that
> are often overrepresented in pedestrian and bicycle injuries and
> fatalities (see attached summary). These guides and supporting  
> materials
> will focus on:
> 1) Pedestrian safety in residential areas (including rural, suburban,
> and urban areas)
> 2) Pedestrian safety for transit locations
> We feel that members of your organization would be ideal to have on  
> the
> project's working group to provide input on the content and potential
> effectiveness of such materials. Working group members will provide
> input on their respective guides by participating in two conference
> calls, one at the beginning of the project (December 14th, 18th, or
> 19th, 2006), and one when draft materials have been developed  
> (April/May
> 2007). These conference calls will be approximately 90 minutes in
> length, and may require several hours of preparation.
> By participating in the working group, members will have the  
> opportunity
> to provide feedback on the key safety messages and materials to  
> present
> these messages in their respective guides. Input from members will be
> critical for developing guides that help make citizens more
> knowledgeable about relevant pedestrian safety problems, improve  
> citizen
> understanding of potential solutions, and foster more efficient and
> effective communication between community members and local agency
> staff. Working group members will be acknowledged by having their  
> names
> included in the final draft guidebooks.
> We still have a couple of seats available on the working group, if any
> one of your members would be willing to participate. If so, please
> contact me at your earliest convenience at sandt at or by
> phone at (919) 962-2358. If you have any questions about the working
> group, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and
> interest in this project.
> Sincerely,
> Laura Sandt
> Research Associate
> UNC Highway Safety Research Center
> (919) 962-2358
> sandt at
> Administrative Officer’s Technical Representative (AOTR): Tamara  
> Redmon,
> Principal Investigator: Robert Schneider, Toole Design Group, LLC
> Contact information:
> Laura Sandt
> Research Associate
> UNC Highway Safety Research Center
> 730 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite 300
> Campus Box 3430
> Chapel Hill, NC 27500
> (919) 962-2358
> sandt at

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