INC NEWS - System of Care Advocate Nomination

David Harris harrisdl2003 at
Mon Feb 12 08:43:33 EST 2007

System of Care Advocate Nomination 
The Durham Community Collaborative seeks to recognize an individual community member or agency staff member who is striving to implement the core values of System of Care in order to help families help their children have success, safety and permanence in their homes, schools and communities. 
Nominate individuals who are making a difference in their community. Winners will receive a $50 award and a certificate of recognition to be presented at the "Making a Difference for Durham Families" breakfast event on April 26, 2007. 
Individuals can either nominate themselves or others for this recognition. Individuals nominated must be an active participant in Durham’s System of Care. The nomination process includes completing the form on the back of this page. 
Nominations are due no later than 5 PM, Thursday, March 1. Nominations can be mailed or emailed to: 
Making A Difference for Durham Families 
c/o Exchange Family Center, 1200 Broad Street, Suite 209, Durham, NC 27705 
Call: 919.668.3279 Email: info at 
The Durham Community Collaborative is a diverse group of individuals committed to Durham’s children and families that integrates the work of education, juvenile justice, health, mental health, social services, family court, and other community agencies and organizations with families. The purpose of the Collaborative is to promote and oversee the creation of a local System of Care and provide a forum for family members and public and private agencies to share responsibility and accountability to reach common goals for Durham families. These common goals include: 
􀂄 Bringing families, public and private agencies together to promote the development of a strong home- and community-based System of Care; 
􀂄 Ensuring that families have a lead voice in the design and delivery of services and support for themselves and their children; 
􀂄 Promoting strong networks of social supports for families through partnerships with community organizations such as recreation, the faith community and other youth and family resources; 
􀂄 Sharing and coordinating resources among mental health, public health, juvenile justice, the courts, social services and the school system; 
􀂄 Identifying and taking action on service gaps and policies that need to be changed to promote better outcomes for children and their families; and 
􀂄 Unifying effort and eliminating duplication in coordination of services, funding, training and local reporting requirements. 
Members of the Durham Community Collaborative include representatives from county public agencies (mental health, social services and public health); city agencies/ departments (housing, parks and recreation, police); Durham Public Schools; Durham Court system; Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; Durham’s Partnership for Children; health and mental health providers; family members; community-based agencies; domestic violence agencies; homeless shelters; local businesses; neighborhood residents; and the faith community. 
System of Care Advocate Nomination 
Deadline: March 1, 2007 
Name of Individual: ________________________________________________________________________ 
Organization: _____________________________________________________________________________ 
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ 
Phone: _________________ Email: ____________________________________________ 
Name of Person Nominating: ________________________________________________________________ 
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ 
Phone: _________________ Additional Phone Contact: ________________________ 
Please answer the following questions in the space below or on a separate page: 
1. What is this person doing to make a difference in the advancement of System of Care in Durham? (Specifically address how this person has championed the core values of System of Care, including family-centered and strengths-based practice, cultural competence, use of information supports and coordination of services.) 
2. How long have they been making this difference? ______________________ 
Mail to: Making A Difference for Durham Families 
c/o Exchange Family Center, 1200 Broad Street, Suite 209, Durham, NC 27705 

David Harris
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