INC NEWS - INC meeting Feb 27 -- developerment review process

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at
Mon Feb 26 13:20:36 EST 2007

Hi guys. I just wanted to let you all know that I
(Fairfield) will be unable to attend the INC meeting
tomorrow night (Tues, Feb 27). My husband is out of
town until Wednesday, so I have no sitter for my two
kids, and I'm currently suffering from a stomach bug
-- double whammy.

The Fairfield board of directors has advised me to
excuse our neighborhood from voting on the home
occupation resolution, as they feel it has no effect
on our neighborhood. 

Nonetheless, I was hoping to be present for the
discussion of the Development Review Process. I
strongly feel that surrounding neighborhoods/homes
(who bother to give the Planning Dept their contact
information) should be informed of EVERY rezoning
issue, regardless of traffic impact or any other
current requirements. Furthermore, I think that the
planning/rezoning commissions should, themselves,
schedule a meeting (well before the county board of
commissioners considers the rezoning application)
between the neighborhoods and the rezoning applicant,
including the date and location of such meeting in the
initial letter informing neighborhoods of the rezoning
application. This way, it is not left up to the
developer to initiate communication with neighborhoods
(which (s)he often doesn't do, later blaming it on
neighborhood unresponsiveness). In addition, it
ensures that there is an objective mediation and
record of such two-way communication (or lack

Finally, I have received very positive feedback
regarding the usefulness and necessity of a
developer's report card, for the benefit of both
neighborhoods and local government...perhaps this
report card could include a website where comments can
easily and quickly be recorded (in near real time)
regarding a given developer.

Thanks for considering my thoughts on this matter. I
am truly disappointed that I cannot be at the INC
meeting tomorrow night to express these opinions

Melissa Rooney

mmr121570 at

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