INC NEWS - Dog Chaining

Ken Gasch Ken at
Thu Mar 8 11:41:21 EST 2007

This story brings up some interesting points about the practice of chaining dogs.  See the link below.

As a new real estate agent, sometimes my little boy will come with me to do different things (take photos, drop off papers, etc.) in all kinds of neighborhoods in Durham.  

Given this recent attack by a chained dog, my wife is now nervous about this practice in neighborhoods where dog chaining is prevalent.  I will admit that I am as well.

Fear is healthy as long as you don't allow it to take over your life.  But, she does bring up a good point.  If one set of parents is afraid to let their boy going into a neighborhood with lots of dogs on chains, try selling a home in this same neighborhood.  

I love dogs.  I believe that the practice of chaining up a dog is not the right thing to do.  

I also believe that for our most disadvantaged neighborhoods to revitalize, these neighborhoods need investment dollars.  Dogs tied everywhere, at the end of a steel chain, is not a sign of a healthy neighborhood.  Bye, bye investment dollars.

Please support our county's animal control officers by supporting measures that will give them the tools, both material and legal, that they need to end the practice of chaining dogs in Durham.  

Ken Gasch   
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