INC NEWS - Durham's water quality

David Harris harrisdl2003 at
Fri Jul 13 17:52:29 EDT 2007

Vicki Westbrook will be at INC's July 24th meeting to answer questions relating to water management.

Durham Addressing Water Safety Concerns 
Water Continues to be Safe to Drink 
Recent media reports have detailed that potentially harmful organic compounds have been found to be slightly elevated in the City of Durham’s drinking water. First, be reassured that you and your family are at minimal risk of harmful health effects. To put this in perspective, you would need to drink two liters of water with elevated levels of these compounds every day for 70 years to show any negative health effects. 
With that said, the Department of Water Management is diligently working to lower levels of these compounds in the system. Regular testing by the department recently discovered these slightly elevated levels and steps have been taken to resolve the issue. 
Below are helpful questions and answers addressing this issue in more detail. If you need additional information, contact the Department of Water Management at (919) 560-4381 or on the Web at 
What are Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) and what causes them? 
Disinfectants such as Chloramines and Chorine have long been used to inactivate disease causing pathogens. While disinfectants have helped to eradicate water borne diseases, they react with naturally occurring organic materials and inorganic matter in water to form Disinfection By-Products (DBPs). 
What are Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and Haloacetic Acids (HAAs)? 
TTHMs and HAAs are two groups of Disinfection By-Products regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency because of their potential negative health effects 
How does the City monitor for them? 
The City is required by federal law to monitor at pre-approved sites in the distribution system for these compounds on a quarterly basis. Compliance with EPA standards is based on a 12-month running average calculated using the results of quarterly testing. 
What did recent testing show? 
May and June testing showed that at some of the sites tested, levels of components of the two groups of organic compounds were slightly above the EPA level that is established for the system. 
Is this a system-wide problem? 
To date, there has not been a violation of EPA standards for TTHMs and HAAs in Durham. Compliance is determined by a 12-month running average of all distribution system samples. The City has been in continuous compliance with this regulation since it was initiated. EPA recognized that levels would vary during the year because the breakdown occurs more readily during hot weather months. 
What is the City doing to lower/decrease the levels? 
The City is optimizing its water treatment procedures and has taken steps to reduce the time water stays in the distribution system by implementing more systematic and frequent flushing. 
City staff is also evaluating its system processes for both short-term and long-term solutions. Additional water samples have been taken to evaluate the effectiveness of the process changes. 
Why should I be concerned about the presence of these compounds in my drinking water? 
Extensive research has shown that these substances may be carcinogenic and that long-term health effects could result if customers ingested two liters of water with high levels every day over a 70 year timeframe. 
Is the water safe to drink? What can I do to reduce levels at my tap? 
Yes, the water is safe to drink. State and Federal guidance does not advise that customers use an alternative such as bottled water. Although not necessary, some point-of-use filters with carbon may effectively remove organics, and customers are encouraged to evaluate these filters and follow maintenance instructions of manufacturers. For further specific health concerns, customers may wish to consult their health care providers. 
Where can I find additional information? 
For information on the Durham water system and potential contaminant levels, see the annual water quality report "Tap Into Quality" available at the Department of Water Management, (919) 560-4381 or on the Web at Information is also available on the EPA Web site at 


David Harris
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