INC NEWS - opposition to plastic bags part 2

RW Pickle randy at
Sat Aug 11 02:47:13 EDT 2007

Maybe if you read these two articles, the first on landfills and their
history and the second one on plastic, it'll make better sense to you why
disposing of our trash in (recyclable) plastic bags make no sense. Why do
we even have an ordinance (yet another one we do not enforce!) that says
we have to dispose of our waste this way?

Just think about it for a moment. If we recycle our plastic and glass
bottles, metal cans,  newspapers, magazines, etc. as yet another ordinance
says we are supposed to do (and now we've even hired a enforcement person
to deal with all of these ordinances; he can't possibly deal with all
these messed up ordinances..), about all that is left is carbon based
material. Given an opportunity to decay, it will. But wrap it up in
plastic and you deprive it of what it needs to decay rapidly. Not to
mention the fact that the plastic bag is forever...

Here's those articles (both on the website):

landfills: waste is a terrible thing to mind:

plastics: here today, here tomorrow:

And while I'm on my soapbox about the waste in plastic bags and landfills,
Republic Waste Services wants to expand their landfill in Roxboro. Even
the Mayor up there is so fed up with all of the "trash politics" that he
resigned from the Solid Waste Committee this week. It's only important
that this is happening and we pay attention to it because their landfill
operation is upstream from our drinking water supply. Any issue there, may
cause an even larger issue here. It's hard to see how Durham could support
anything by our neighbors to our north that could in any way jeopordise
our drinking water supply.  But I doubt anyone has even given it a cursory
thought here. On this planet, the water still runs downhill...

27 Beverly

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