INC NEWS - Back to school news from Duke -- Newman Center reception/Off-campus student judicial report/ Duke symphony performance

Susan Kauffman susan.kauffman at
Fri Aug 24 10:58:51 EDT 2007

Hello all,

Meet-and-greet for off-campus students and residents
Duke is hosting a reception for students and neighbors who live near East
Campus at the new Newman Catholic  Student  Center  at 402 N. Buchanan
Street.            on August 29 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Representatives from
Durham Police, Duke Police, ALE, city building inspections and university
administration will be present. Students and permanent residents are
encouraged to come meet each other in a casual atmosphere.

Safety talks
Also, as was done last year, Duke and Durham police are collaboratively
going through the Trinity Park/Trinity Heights and Ninth Street areas,
meeting with groups of students to talk about safety, noise and alcohol
rules, being good neighbors, etc.

Off-campus student judicial report

The Office of Judicial Affairs has released the 2006-2007 report of
off-campus student incidents, including alcohol violations and disorderly
conduct -- a report requested by local residents. The overall number
reflects a significant decline (more than 80%, from 212 to 48)  in cases
adjudicated compared to the 2005-2006 year.  Most of the cases reviewed by
the campus judicial system are referred by Duke Police, which forwards
citations from Durham Police and ALE. Also, reported complaints of house
parties and undesirable student behavior from neighbors and neighborhood
associations were negligible during this period.

You can see the report at

Christine Pesetski, Assist. Dean of Students, notes that the university's
purchase in spring 2006 of 12 houses that used to be  rented to students
adjacent to East Campus  is expected to continue to have a positive impact
on disruptive off-campus behavior. In addition, the Duke Student Government
is continuing initiatives started last year, including increased
communication with students regarding community standards and expectations
and  partnering with apartment managers to address student behavior.

Stephen Bryan, Assoc. Dean of Students at 684-6938, or Christine Pesetski
at 684-6859, would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Duke Symphony Orchestra
The orchestra will perform on Sunday, September 2nd, 2007 at 6:30 PM on the
East Campus Quad in front of Baldwin Auditorium. Please bring a basket,
blanket and friends and enjoy the music!

Best wishes,

Susan Kauffman
Director of Special Projects
Office of Public Affairs & Govt. Relations
Box 90028
Duke University
(919) 681-8975

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