INC NEWS - Garrett Road Rezoning (Z06-64): more bad news?

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at
Fri Sep 28 22:47:54 EDT 2007

>From Today's Herald Sun 
(Letter to Editor, Sept 28, 2007):

Garrett Road concerns

Many local elected officials are talking the campaign
talk -- elections, you know. We should listen with a
grain of salt. But better is that we can see them in

On Oct. 15 at 7 p.m., the Durham City Council votes on
a proposed rezoning plan (Z06-64) that wants a
development with 308 units on Garrett Road. Yes, it
further overcrowds schools, raises taxes, increases
traffic, pollutes nature. Same old, same old. Bad

Another major concern, wider in scope, is that Jordan
Lake is on the list of impaired waters. Council should
wait for Cape Fear standards for improving the Jordan
Lake reservoir to be passed, and for State Division of
Water Quality to set its regulations for restoring and
protecting the water before allowing further
endangerment to our reservoir
( The
estimated cost of cleaning up the lake is $1.2 billion
over the next 25 years. Frank Duke, Durham planning
director, said, "Where water quality is concerned,
subdivision development is one of the worst things you
can do." Who are our representatives representing?

Please attend the meeting Oct. 15 and find out.

September 28, 2007 

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

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