INC NEWS - America Recycles Day - It all Comes Back to You!

RW Pickle randy at
Wed Nov 7 02:08:12 EST 2007

Durham County Press Release.
27 Beverly
 County Government wants to remind its residents and businesses that
America Recycles Day is Thursday, November 15, 2007.  America Recycles
Day is a nationally recognized day where all Americans are encouraged to
recycle and to buy products made from recycled materials.  This year
marks the 10th anniversary of America Recycles Day with this year’s theme
being “It All Comes Back to You”.  As in years past, every American is
asked to make a pledge to increase their recycling habits and to purchase
more products made from recycled materials.  For more information about
America Recycles Day and to take the recycling pledge, please visit

According to Brian Haynesworth, Waste Reduction Specialist for Durham
County, “When we recycle we can recreate the same item or create a new
item made from the recycled material.  Durham County citizens do their
part in reducing waste and conserving natural resources by recycling every
day of the year.  America Recycles Day is a great opportunity to recognize
these accomplishments and to renew the commitment it takes to make
recycling truly a habit at home, at school, and on the job.” 

Several tips to celebrate America Recycles Day everyday include:

·        Recycling at home, at work, at school, and everywhere.

·        Taking large amounts of recyclables to drop off centers.

·        Keeping a separate bag in your vehicle for recyclables.

·        Encouraging friends, neighbors, co-workers, and classmates to

·        Helping to start and support a recycling program at your job or

·        Learning how to recycle unusual items like computers, ink
cartridges, and cell phones.

·        Reducing waste further by reusing or giving away obsolete items.

·        Setting a goal to purchase items made from recycled materials.  


Citizens of Durham County enjoy the convenience of curbside recycling
collection and recycling drop off availability at four solid waste
convenience centers.  The County of Durham‘s four Solid Waste Convenience
and Recycling Centers are located at the following locations:

·         Highway 55 & TW Alexander Drive

·         Quail Roost Road & Ball Road

·         Redwood Road & Electra Road

·         Highway 501 N. & Bill Poole Road

During the 2006 to 2007 fiscal year nearly 2,000 tons of recyclables were
collected at these convenience centers and through the County’s curbside

Business and non-profit organizations in Durham County are also doing
their part by recycling.  AW North Carolina, a world-wide leader in
transmission and transmission components manufacturing is actively
striving to achieve zero waste generation at their Treyburn Facility and
earlier this year the Animal Protection Society of Durham encouraged
aluminum can recycling to raise funds for their programs and services.  AW
North Carolina and the Animal Protection Society are just two of the many
examples of organizations in Durham County involved in waste reduction and
recycling activities all year long.   

For more information about recycling in Durham County please contact the
Durham County Waste Reduction Specialist at 919-560-0433 or visit

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