INC NEWS - Email of Support -On Site Preservation of the Historic Garrett Farmstead-

fitzjent at fitzjent at
Thu Nov 15 18:17:40 EST 2007

 To INC:

My name is Claire Jentsch.  I and a few friends have just started a citizen's group, newhopefordurham at, that is very concerned about all the Development going on in Durham.  Our first point of contention is the one Ronnie Girffin is bringing to your attention.  Ronnie is our friend and neighbor.  

My group's disappointment with the Rezoning Request Z06-64 is that 308 rental units has far reaching, long term drastic consequences on Durham:

Two years ago a Request for 235 units was defeated and since then many commercial and residential developments have appeared between 15/501 and Erwin Road.  Now  Pickett Rd and Randolph have been widened.  With this new proposal the final end of Garrett Road, which also has been growing quickly between 15/501 and Hope Valley, will be widened  - paving the way for even more construction.  Building is already planned for Erwin and Cornwallis and old South Square,

The effect of the new residential area will detrimentally effect schools, traffic, water.  We will ask Council to delay the vote in order to consider what is in the public interest.  Adding more trailers, increasing impervious surfaces and further endangering the water are not.  Neglecting Mud and Hope Creeks harms Jordan Lake Reservoir which many counties rely on.


 And taxes go up for everyone.  Each additional child costs $20,000, plus the other 'fees' incurred.  Our taxes are high and our education system low.

Only the Developer comes out ahead.

With this letter I am hoping to encourage members of your organization to come out to the Monday, November 19 Durham City Council Meeting at 7 pm. to show support for a postponement of this Request and to encourage a type of moratorium on Development so we can see how to have more greenery, less pollution, happier students and teachers, etc..

We realize that NUMBERS are the most IMPORTANT leverage we have.   Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Many thanks,
 Claire Jentsch

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronnie Griffin <res1m28r at>
To: inc-list at
Sent: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 5:12 pm
Subject: Email of Support -On Site Preservation of the Historic Garrett Farmstead-

Dear Fellow INC Members,


I am requesting a few moments of your valued 
time as well as assistance in either attending the Monday City Council meeting 
or contacting the City Council members in an effort for the on site preservation 
of the historic Clifton and Leah Garrett Farmstead.  This site is 
being proposed for development of 302 apartments under rezoning 
case Z06-64.  


"This farm is recognized in the 
Planning Department’s Durham County Historic Inventory[1] 
as being one of the most important of the 420 identified historically 
significant properties and is currently in danger of being lost.  The house can easily be preserved in 
place, preserving a major segment of the community history of southwest 

[1] This property was included in the 
Inventory since the area was in the 
County when the inventory was completed in 1987."


"Given the current 
development plan, the existing layout would not be adversely affected by the 
preservation of the historic landmark[1].  In fact, empirical data 
from similar projects show the preservation of the house and some of the 
outbuildings would be an enhancement.  
Planning has also confirmed that this is a viable alternative by 
parceling out the site as a single family lot.

Some buildings currently envisioned to face Garrett would need to be reoriented 
to face the internal street of the development."



Preservation Durham finds 
  that moving this house is a poor alternative,


Given the intact nature of the site, 

The good condition of the house, and 

The attractiveness of the area in which this property is currently 

Moving historic properties is a choice of last resort."  



I am seeking your support with the recommendations 
by Preservation Durham, Durham Open Space Trails Commission 
and the Durham community for the "on site" preservation of these 
historic buildings.  The developer, Trammell Crow Residential, has not 
been cooperative with these preservation efforts.  The developer 
has agreed for some entity to move the buildings to another site but this 
is very complex and not a viable option. 


This property is located on Garrett Road adjacent 
to the Oak Creek Village Shopping Center, another apartment complex and 
across the road from the Toyota dealership.  This is the same location that 
Centex attempted to rezone and develop.


As a community volunteer and member of the North 
Garrett Road Committee, I have worked on this proposed rezoning and development 
for over twenty months.  Many improvements and commitments have been 
obtained on behalf of the Durham community.  I know 
that you are busy but again would appreciate an email to the City Council 
members expressing your support to preserve the Garrett Farmstead on the current 




Ronnie Griffin (489-1663)



North Garrett Road 


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -
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