INC NEWS - Water resource in future, bigger picture, conserving water simply

Deborah Christie dchristie1 at
Wed Dec 19 11:31:03 EST 2007

Water resource in future, bigger picture, conserving water simplyHi Sara,

We have a "Taco D'Mand Pump" - the same thing.  I live very near you, if you would like to come over and see ours -

We have had our Taco D'Mand pump for over 2 years.  It comes in different sizes, so you might want to ask for the largest size to speed the delivery of hot water and perhaps also get longer life.  These can also be retrofitted easily with electric remote controls.  Our pump is hardwired into a bathroom, but we also have a remote control in the kitchen, which is on the same plumbing line.

Cheers -

Deb Christie
Piney Mountain neighborhood off Mt. Sinai Rd
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sara Erickson 
  To: Interneighborhood council 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 8:19 AM
  Subject: Re: INC NEWS - Water resource in future, bigger picture,conserving water simply

  Hello Everyone,

  The drought has motivated me to check into a hot water recirculation device I heard about years ago.  You push a button under your sink and the cold water sitting in the hot water line is recirculated back to the hot water heater so that when you turn on the hot water it's there immediately.  Does anyone have experience with a system like this?  Here is a link to one I found:

  Thanks in advance,
  Sara Erickson
  Solterra Co-housing Community

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Laura Drey 
    To: Interneighborhood council 
    Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 7:41 AM
    Subject: INC NEWS - Water resource in future, bigger picture,conserving water simply

    In addition to water conservation there are recommendations that fall into a bigger picture that I would urge city, county and state elected officials as well as staff members to follow that would help long term save water.  I am a believer of and proponent in smart growth, that is limiting development.  I would go further and have developers cover at a minimum at least some of the cost for extending water lines and other related items for new residential areas, shopping centers, office complexes and industries. I whole heartedly support mandatory water conservation rules and would of preferred that such measures were put into place a long time ago.  I believe strongly in penalties and fees. I cannot address increases in fee structures or surcharges in water and tired rates since I am not familiar with them.

    Conservation does not rest solely with residential users.  As I said previously industry and businesses need to be involved in conserving water as well. 

    I bought a $6 gadget that can be added to an existing stem above the shower head that can turn the water on and off while taking a shower.  I do not support big box stores. (Among the local, independent plumbing supply stores are Wilkinson (off Hillsborough Rd, near Fifteenth St) and Hughes Supply (at Broadway and Rigsbee in downtown Durham.)

    I listed what steps I take to save water( in Drought, lessons learned from (on December 14) because that was a question I was specifically asked by a reporter.  A second was had I grown tired of the drought being portrayed in the media.  No the drought needs to continue to be covered by the media.  I feel that pictures are a great way to show our water crisis. (She told me that she contacted me because she had read some of my suggestions about the drought on list serves.)  

    Please send the information on the drought to your neighborhood list serves and share the information with others you know.

    I appreciate other peoples recommendations about steps that can be taken now regarding the drought.

    Water is not a resource that we can take for granted.  


    P.S. For my other drought tips see Fire prevention; trees please; more drought tips; events (sent on 
    December 11) and for a list that consolidates suggestions that includes how much water the recommendations save on water usage see Water Saving Tips (sent on October 15.)  If you would like me to send the email(s) on the drought to you again let me know.


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