INC NEWS - Letter: Conserve water, slow area's unchecked growth (Herald-Sun)

John Schelp bwatu at
Thu Dec 20 09:30:12 EST 2007

Letter: Conserve water, slow area's unchecked growth 
Herald-Sun, 20 Dec 2007

In an article in the Dec. 14 Herald Sun, "Next drought
may be worse," the Triangle J Council of Governments'
water resource manager did not paint an encouraging
picture for elected officials. Yet with growing
incredulity from citizens, we are told to conserve
more. While conservation is crucial, how can citizens
be expected to take the drought as seriously as we
should when elected officials refuse to acknowledge
rampant and often irresponsible development as a major
factor in this equation? 

Apparently only Orange County Commissioner Barry
Jacobs is willing to acknowledge the 800-pound gorilla
in the room by recognizing the area's unchecked growth
as "the single most glaring absence in the discussion"
regarding our water shortage. His perceptions are on
the money, while the remaining body of elected
officials is responding like modern day alchemists,
trying to turn increased tax base into water. 

Stretching pipes to suck water from every available
source or damming up what's left of our dwindling
natural areas are not the answers. Nor should citizens
be expected to shoulder the costs of infrastructure to
satisfy the water needs of new development. 

Isn't it time for elected officials to look out for
those who put them in office and to stop
rubber-stamping every development proposal? We are
running out of water and patience. 

Carol Young

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