INC NEWS - applause for the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham

John Schelp bwatu at
Sat Mar 15 09:47:07 EDT 2008


The INC should be very proud of last night's
Neighborhood Heroes ceremony. 

It was truly a quintessential Durham moment...

* Touching remarks about our town from Chief Lopez

* MC Bill ("Barry you may now kiss the hero") Anderson

* David Harris and Ken Gasch tugging on the
president's gavel

* Thank you & happy trails, Pat and Randy

* Amazing Sgt Gunter, we love you 

* Remarkable effort by Amanda (still helping dogs)

* OWD's hero and Becky Heron sharing memories and a
long hug from their days of activism back 1982 

* Neighborhood hero who never missed work at Durham
Regional and was committed to work last night's shift
(while overcoming cancer)

* Not a dry eye in the room when the gentle man from
River Forest received his plaque

* Many elected officials

* The new board members 

* Thank you, David Harris

* Smiles & warmth all around

* David and Big-shoes Ken tugging on the president's
gavel -- again :)
Kudos & gratitude to ALL the Neighborhood Heroes (from
Old Oxford Community in the north to Homeplace IV in
the south).


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