INC NEWS - Fw: Support for Neighborhood Liaison

Ronnie Griffin res1m28r at
Thu Mar 27 17:05:22 EDT 2008

I want to share the following email that was sent to the editor in support of the Liaison being an independent source and out of the politics of both the City and County administrations and elected officials other than the mayor and commissioner chairperson.  

I commend John and others for all they have done thus far.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ronnie Griffin 
To: rlandfried at 
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 9:53 PM
Subject: Support for Neighborhood Liaison

The Neighborhood Liaison staff position would facilitate a more equitable planning process resulting in many tangible and intangible benefits including time and cost saving benefits for our citizens - neighborhoods, city - county elected and appointed officials, city - county administrators as well as developers and their consultant teams.  The Liaison would be an independent citizen - neighborhood expert and resource to participate and represent community interests during the initial and subsequent conceptual planning application, rezoning, site planning, etc. processes among the administrations planning, varied local and state departments, politicians, organizations and boards.  In order to ensure independence and creditability, the Liaison should dually report to our Mayor and County Commissioner Chairperson respective to city or county development.  This reporting relationship will eliminate any potential conflicts of interests within the administrations, governmental and appointed bodies and other groups.  

The Liaison would be an unbiased expert to represent, to consult, to protect and to present the interests of the citizens - neighborhoods with a knowledge of the UDO, environmental protection, traffic and transportation, conceptual and final project designs, zonings and density, open space, historic preservation, storm water BMP's, parks and trails, infrastructures and school impacts.  The Liaison position could be funded in part through an increase in application and associated fees with the remainder provided by the city and county.  The Liaison will improve communication and agreement among the involved parties by ensuring equal participation throughout the varied review and approval processes.  The Liaison will also consider and convey any potential impacts with citizen land owners.   


Ronnie Griffin 

North Garrett Road Committee               
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