INC NEWS - Additional Information about Alcoholic Energy Drinks

pinnaclecdc at pinnaclecdc at
Fri Apr 25 22:13:58 EDT 2008

Alcohol: Stimulant/Depressant - It is both. 
_ ( 

Lots of discussion around this topic. Thank you for your emails.  Perhaps 
these links will clarify the different products and where they are  found. These 
products can pose a potential danger to underage consumers and of  course 
consuming alcohol under the age of 21 is against the law. 

What we  need to understand as adults is that youth get alcohol from many 
sources. They  are creative. The take home message is that we all need to be 
aware of where  youth get alcohol and what the packaging looks like in order to 
protect them.  

This is not a prohibition message for adults who choose to consume  alcohol 
responsibly. We are in a new
day of advertising and super-size...  after all 8 ounces of beer in the 70's 
has become 12, 20, 40+ ounces per  "serving".

>From the report:_http://www.marinins alcopops/ energy_drink_  
report.htm_ ( 
Public health and safety officials have become alarmed  by the newest entry 
into the world of alcoholic
beverages. Alcoholic energy  drinks are prepackaged beverages that contain 
not only alcohol but  also
caffeine and other stimulants. 

Red Devil product - This does not  refer to the popular non-alcohol brand 
energy drink
_http://www.happylan d-drinks. com/brands. php?brand=  7_ (htt

Additionally youth are mixing energy drinks and alcohol
_http://www1. news/NewsArticle .htm?Articleid=  2193_ 

Thank you again for your  comments.


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