INC NEWS - irony of the situation... misguided attempt to undermine neighborhoods

John Schelp bwatu at
Mon May 12 10:29:27 EDT 2008

Dear Mayor Bell & Council,

> "The Greater Durham Chamber of Commerce Board of
Directors reviewed the proposal when they became aware
of it two weeks ago... we requested that City Council
delay the effective implementation date to January 1,
2009." (Chamber memo to City Council)

How ironic that the business community is complaining
about not having enough time to review a City Hall
proposal on water rates -- at the same time the
biggest players in the business community are trying
to further shorten the time neighborhoods can review
development projects in Durham.

These efforts to "streamline" the planning process
will weaken community involvement in local government.
It's a bad idea -- and another reason we need a
Neighborhood Advocate in Durham.


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