INC NEWS - traffic impacts are important part of new projects

John Schelp bwatu at
Fri Sep 5 13:48:37 EDT 2008

Please do not support this push to allow votes on rezonings -- before the DOT has a chance to review the impact of traffic on a project.

While this change would certainly help the development industry, it would undermine the community. Why would any elected official want to support an effort that keeps important information away from the public?

Traffic and road infrastructure play a critical role in the decision-making process. 

Neighbors (and elected officials) have a right to see the traffic implications of a proposed project. To deliberately keep traffic information away from the public eye (until after the vote is taken) is a mistake.

This change would keep neighborhoods in the dark. Frankly, it's disturbing how far this bad idea has come.

with appreciation,

John Schelp 
Rosehill Ave

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