[Durham INC] Fw: Durham Open Space Cuts -- DOS is not expendable.

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 12 15:49:44 EST 2009

The BOCC is going to vote on a 100% cut in Open Space funding. We should not allow this to happen without raising our heads and letting
the BOCC know that citizens do not consider Open Space funds expendable.

For both Open Space and Farmland Funds, the implications are much bigger, because we use
local funds as matching fund
leverage to secure much larger sums from adjacent/affected counties,
and the State & feds (Clean Water funds, for instance).  

If you feel so inclined, please write your commissioners with your concerns about this.
commissioners at durhamcountync.gov

I have cut and pasted my correspondence to the BOCC below, should you wish to peruse it. I cannot make the BOCC meeting tonight, but I hope that citizens will come out and show that we really care about our DOS program.

It's item 12 on
tonight's (BOCC) agenda.


--- On Mon, 1/12/09, Melissa Rooney <mmr121570 at yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Melissa Rooney <mmr121570 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Durham Open Space Cuts -- DOS is not expendable.
To: commissioners at durhamcountync.gov
Date: Monday, January 12, 2009, 3:42 PM

Dear County Commissioners,

I am deeply concerned that Open Space funds will be cut 100% this year, amounting to a loss of $550,000 for this important resource. 

I understand the dire budget situation facing Durham County, and the desire to save personnel/jobs and more immediate programs (school teachers and law enforcement, for instance) wherever possible. Nonetheless, I am very worried about the effect that this complete and immediate loss of funds will have on the import of the Durham Open Space program now and in the future. 

The fact that Open Space handled their funds so well, spending only what they had and not what they were projected to have, should not result in punishment of the program  (by relinquishing its funds altogether). Even more importantly, it must not be interpreted as implying that the Durham Open Space
 funds/program is expendable. We all know how important this program is to our water quality, and our natural resources, with more and more import every passing year.

If the program must face such a drastic cut this year, I surely hope that you will ensure that it will receive 100% of its funding next year, with at least a 3% raise (that is, $566,500). It surely deserves at least this, considering the sacrifice that the program may well be forced to make this year. 

Furthermore, the Open Space program will be applying for grants and matching funds based on the presumption that it WILL, in fact, have this funding next year. It's inability, due to funding cuts, to provide guaranteed funds when applying for grants and matching funds, will hurt DOS's prospects at acquiring these, making DOS staff's job even more difficult. We do not want to undermine their extended efforts, nor Durham's increasingly urgent need to protect her natural resources,
 by pulling the rug out from under them next year.

In addition, despite (in fact, because of) the economic downturn for our gov't and citizens, now is the time for Durham to be purchasing land, when it is affordable due to low demand.

In conclusion, If you must make extreme cuts to DOS this year (2009), I hope that you will do so with a stated commitment to restore the funds, in full, next year (2010).

As always, thanks for your sincere consideration of this important issue,

Melissa Rooney, Ph.D. 
301 Spring Garden Drive
Durham, NC 27713
919 484 9737
mmr121570 at yahoo.com


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