[Durham INC] Billboard proposal

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Tue Jan 20 18:27:13 EST 2009

I'm not sure I understand why some of you say we don't know what Fairway's
proposal is.  They have put it in writing to the city and county twice and
they explained it to us at the last INC meeting.  Assuming that they meant
what they said, I think I understand their proposal very clearly.  While I
suppose they may change it at some point in the future, I'm not going to
worry about that until it happens.


Based on what I know, which is what Fairway has told us, I oppose their
proposal to change Durham's zoning ordinances to allow them and their
competitors to upgrade their billboards.  I oppose the proposal on all its
points.  Remember, under the proposal, some signs would change to the
flashing variety, some would be moved, and others, pole-mounted, would be
put on steel masts.  All of the billboards in question are nonconforming
uses and they shouldn't be upgraded.  It isn't fair and it is contrary to
Durham's sound and successful policy.  There is no public need for
billboards and there is no compelling reason to allow this industry (and
especially not its dominant firm) better than we treat any other citizen who
could make more money if he could get special treatment under the zoning


Tom Miller

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