[Durham INC] Fw: Jordan Lake Watershed redrawing based on Hunter survey

mmr121570 at yahoo.com mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Sat May 16 20:59:32 EDT 2009

Please note that the city of Durham has voted NOT to deal with the changes in the
Jordan Lake protected area at this time (i.e. not to consider UDO amendments based on the developer provided survey, which makes way for the dense 751 assemblage in the current watershed).

See my letter to Mayor Bell and the council below, and please send them an email with your concerns as well (their email addresses are below as well).

Melissa (Rooney)

--- On Sat, 5/16/09, Melissa Rooney <mmr121570 at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Melissa Rooney <mmr121570 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Jordan Lake Watershed redrawing based on Hunter survey
To: Bill.Bell at durhamnc.gov, farad.ali at durhamnc.gov, Eugene.Brown at durhamnc.gov, diane.catotti at durhamnc.gov, Cora.Cole-McFadden at durhamnc.gov, Howard.Clement at durhamnc.gov, mike.woodard at durhamnc.gov
Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 8:55 PM

Dear Mayor Bell and City Council members,

I am concerned that the city has opted not to deal with the changes in the
protected area at this time. I hope that this is only because you all
want to see if the Hunter Survey will be adopted by the County before
going to the time and expense to consider it, yourselves. If the county
approves of this survey, I will be very disappointed if the city
doesn't jump in the fray to have their say...if for nothing else, to
allow citizens time to regroup and repower. It's really hard to keep up
the momentum when things keep dragging on like this. But the longer it
drags the better it is for the citizens. Fast-tracking it would mean
Hunter gets his way and quickly!

You know that
Hunter can currently develop this land as a Conservation Subdivision or
with RR zoning -- which is how it should be developed even if it IS
moved out of the critical watershed.

With the Jordan Lake Rules now on the horizon, the city and county should go with the most cautious route possible -- which does not involve changing the watershed boundaries to make way for a high density mini-city in the current Jordan Lake Critical Watershed.

Over 2000 citizens have signed a petition demanding a separate, independent survey before even considering changing the watershed boundaries, including elected officials in other Triangle jurisdictions and at least one surveyor. It is worth looking at their comments:


Thanks, as always, for your sincere attention to your constituents' concerns.

Melissa Rooney, Ph.D.
301 Spring Garden Drive
Durham, NC 27713
mmr121570 at yahoo.com


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