[Durham INC] INC application & INC's new/old leadership

TheOcean1 at aol.com TheOcean1 at aol.com
Thu Sep 24 22:03:14 EDT 2009

Hard copies of this were passed out at the meeting Tuesday night, and the  
meeting's business precluded a proper thank you for the effort from those  
involved. Unless I'm mistaken, this one part (the application) credit is  due 
Tom Miller for crafting it.
Something else happened, both historic and interesting.
INC's President elect, Colin Crossman, expressed a concern that surprised  
no one. He did not step down as INC Vice President, but he did voice his 
concern  about how his personal endeavors would likely effect how much time he 
could  devote to serving as President. We all know those personal endeavors 
are the  very popular Bed & Breakfast he and his wife Deanna created from 
the  historic King's Daughter Home.
In the same sentence Colin expressed a willingness to step aside, he  
assured all present that he would fulfill the duties if no one else was willing  
to step up, and we all knew he would have done so admirably.
But it just so happened that one of the founding fathers of INC was  
present, he also served as INC's first President, 25 years ago.
He was nominated, accepted, and will serve as INC's 26th President, Mr. Tom 
 Miller ~ Watts Hospital Hillandale.
Not only do I think that's pretty cool and historic, it also seems like a  
great idea for lots of organizations.
Once every quarter century or so, bring back one of the founders to lead  
for a year, and ensure the organization stays on track, and gets back to 
basics  if need be. I don't think INC has ever gotten off track, so I don't 
expect  huge changes, but I have little doubt that Tom Miller will make INC's 
26th year,  as important as it's 1st.
Tom, thanks for creating the application, but thank you much more  for 
donating another year of your life to the neighborhoods of  Durham.
Bill Anderson
Past President
In a message dated 9/24/2009 8:59:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
mmr121570 at yahoo.com writes:

I think the application looks great. Thanks for all your hard work,  Tom, 
Myers and Colin :)
Melissa (Rooney)

--- On Thu, 9/24/09, Tom Miller  <tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com> wrote:

From:  Tom Miller <tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com>
Subject: [Durham INC] FW:  INC application
To: "'myers sugg'" <amsugg at verizon.net>,  inc-list at rtpnet.org
Date: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 6:31  PM

Attached is  an example of what an INC application might look like.  Please 
 look it over and comment.

Tom  Miller  

From:  Tom Miller [mailto:Tom at ncrec.state.nc.us] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009  3:15 PM
To:  tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Subject: INC  application

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