[Durham INC] By-law changes- where do we stand?

Erin Kennedy ekkennedy at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 12:23:34 EDT 2009

I attended the last INC meeting, and have been preparing a draft email to my
neighbors re: the by-law changes.  However, it occured to me that I'm
(embarrassingly) not sure where things stand-- especially in regard to the
voting ability/absences issue.

At the last meeting, if I recall correctly, we have not yet determined the
"absences" issue (and how many absences would be listed as the cutoff).  We
also talked about an INC application, but I wasn't sure if this was going to
be included in the by-laws, or not.

Thanks for any insight you can provide.  I want to make sure I'm reporting
back the correct information.

Erin Kennedy
Colonial Village
Durham INC Mailing List
list at durham-inc.org
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