[Durham INC] Public Hearing on Jordan Lake re-zoning, Monday 7 p.m.

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 9 16:55:07 EDT 2009

Please see announcement below, and please forward it to your
neighborhood and organization listservs. We need every Durham citizen
who is remotely concerned about the Jordan Lake Watershed to attend
this LAST public hearing on the rezoning/amendment case (based on a
developer-funded survey). We must show the county commissioners that,
despite the lengthy duration of this case, their constituents are just
as concerned today as they were a year ago.

Monday, October 12, 2009  7

County Commissioners’ Chambers 
200 East Main Street, Durham, North Carolina

Let's fill the building!

And please consider signing up to speak, even if you don't want to.
Your speaking time (probably only 2 minutes or less) can be given to
another speaker who will need more time to get their points across.

Melissa (Rooney)

P.S. think about bringing your kids for a true social studies lesson --
this will be a great show of our democratic gov't and citizens' right
to partake therein, and it definitely won't be boring...

Hearing on Jordan Lake boundary Map Change and Re-zoning in Durham


Monday, October 12, 2009  7


County Commissioners’ Chambers 
200 East Main Street, Durham, North Carolina
Doors open at 6:30 for sign-ups to speak at
the public hearing

Linktot he agenda for the meeting :    

This is it ~ the Durham BOCC will be voting Monday on
changing the map for the critical and protected areas next to Jordan
Lake so that Southern Durham Developers can build their massive mixed
use project on Hwy 751 near New Hope Creek.  Please come to the meeting
to oppose this land grab that will allow a few to profit at the cost of
water quality in Jordan Lake.   

Send comments ahead of time to the BOCC at:    
commissioners at durhamcountync.gov

We heard this afternoon that the protest petition submitted by HRA to
Durham County on behalf of landowners affected by this zoning vote was
denied. We believe we met (and exceeded) the minimum signatures needed
to meet the petition requirements and will  be looking carefully at the
Durham planner's numbers and maps that they used to make this
decision.  We will then weigh our options on what we can do next, with
continued support from Southern Environmental Law Center.  

In the meantime, we need your help to tell the Durham Board of County
Commissioners  to deny the zoning and map changes.  The Durham Planning
Commission voted unanimously to recommend that the BOCC vote NO on
these changes. Durham should not rely on a survey of the lake boundary
commissioned by a developer who will benefit from the zoning change.

Please come out on Monday night - and pass this message along to


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