[Durham INC] N&O Bulls Eye article on Act III: Jordan Lake Protest Petition

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 11 22:22:03 EST 2009


After all we've been through, it appears that the county is back to closed doors -- this time it seems the county attorney isn't even letting the Board of County Commissioners in on the dealings. 

If the county attorney is insisting the protest petition's invalidity, then why can't he give the specific reasons for this decision -- at least to the county commissioners? 

If the Planning Department and County Attorney's office is still validating signatures, how can they have made their decision (maintaining invalidity despite the errors in planning dept. calculations revealed by the HRA/SELC)?

Durham citizens deserve to know exactly why this petition is deemed invalid. As a well-respected Durham friend said recently, "Because I said so" is not a reason.

Then again, as another well-respected Durham citizen has queried: "Where is the outrage?"

Please don't burn out. Despite it's dragging, this case is still one of the most important in terms of DEMOCRACY in Durham County history (we're long past environmental responsibility issues). Take the time to comment to the press-- at least via their postings/blogs on the Internet. The county commissioners need to know that we're not going to forget about this (in every sense of the phrase).

Melissa (Rooney)

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