[Durham INC] [bad text]

theocean1 at aol.com theocean1 at aol.com
Wed Dec 16 23:17:28 EST 2009

Frank Duke made a bad call. Almost doesn't matter now if he did it by  
accident, or if he realized the ticking time bomb he'd just created and left the 
 area before it blew up.
But I disagree that all of Durham County is paying for it now. We won't  
even start paying for this error for another 20 years or so. And then  it will 
become an ever increasing annual expense.
Wouldn't it be nice if the county would just talk neighborly with SDD, and  
SDD did the same.
"Well, looks like were a bit over the barrel here. Our employee  done 
screwed up good, then he done left town so we can't even fire him for  it!  You 
got you pretty piece of Durham property there, and we is so happy  you is 
intendin' to develop it, because we need all the good developing we can  get. 
By good, we would mean it fits into community, and doesn't mess up our  
fishin' holes. 
Now all our citizens are upset with us, and they might even sue us! That  
darned mistake would mess up ya'll's developin' and cost ya some of your  
profits, so you'd sue us, too!  And it looks like you'd win.
So what would it take to make things right, between neighbors?"
To which SDD might reply:
"Hhhmmmm..... it's always nice to have some  extra cash when you start 
moving earth around. Maybe we could we change those  plans to be a little more 
eco-friendly. Come to think of it, it would look  prettier if we kept more of 
those woods, but it'll also cost us a pretty penny  to do it. How much did 
you have in mind?"
In the long run, that discussion is what will put the smallest price tag on 
 Frank Duke's blunder.
Bill  Anderson

In a message dated 12/16/2009 8:27:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
mmr121570 at yahoo.com writes:

Take a  look at the attached pictures, all taken of the same spot (zoomed 
in on  the mass of water on the left side of Stagecoach road, where the 751  
Assemblage is proposed to be built). These were taken in November, 6  days 
AFTER the rain had stopped.

It looks even worse now. Take a  drive down Stagecoach road just beyond the 
intersection with  Fayetteville Road (where SDD plans to develop the 751 
Assemblage) -- the  land from the lake all the way up to Stagecoach road 
(where SDD plans to  develop the 751 Assemblage) is under water. At the Oct 12 
BOCC rezoning  hearing, someone speaking for the developers said that 'if it 
looks like  a creek, it's a creek.' Well, it sure looks more like a lake than 
a  creek right now…

Regardless  of the judge's decision today, the fact remains that if the 
development  community had not gone through the back door (i.e. Frank Duke) to 
get  this watershed changed in the first place, the county gov't would 
likely  have held the public hearings required by our UDO and the p_ublic would  
have been served. All of Durham County is now paying for Frank Duke's  
unilateral and questionable decision. 

That's all I have  to say about that.

Melissa (Rooney)

--- On Wed,  12/16/09, Melissa Rooney <mmr121570 at yahoo.com>  wrote:

From:  Melissa Rooney <mmr121570 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Judge upholds  Duke’s original map change of Jordan Lake watershed
To:  inc-list at rtpnet.org, durhamenviro at yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday,  December 16, 2009, 7:43 PM


See  the news articles above regarding the outcome of the developers'  suit 
against Durham county today. In a nutshell, the judge  upheld Frank Duke's 
decision regarding the watershed changes  pertaining to the SDD property 
(where the 751 Assemblage  mini-city is proposed to be built), but made no 
decisions  altering the county's resulting vote to rezone the rest of the  
watershed 'arc' on Oct 12 (when a now valid protest petition was  deemed 

Thus, the protest petition lawsuit is  still in swing. 

It would have been nice for the judicial  system to have handled this case 
before the county's rezoning  vote on Oct 12, and certainly before the Dec 
11 deadline for the  citizens' appeal of the county's Oct 12 rezoning 
decision (the  protest petition lawsuit), as the judge's decision could  certainly 
have changed the county's handling of the case, as  well as the citizen's 
response (i.e. the protest petition  lawsuit) to the county's questionable 

Once again  it seems the citizen's are the ones hard-done by.

I hope  that the city of Durham thinks long and hard about whether or  not 
to rezone SDD's land from rural to suburban (which is  necessary to enable 
the construction of the 751 Assemblage  mini-city).

Sincerely disheartened,
Melissa  (Rooney)

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list at durham-inc.org

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