[Durham INC] Delegates' Meeting, Tuesday, January 26

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Thu Jan 21 20:43:40 EST 2010

INC Delegates' Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 26 

in the Kramer Room at St. Luke's Church at the intersection of Hillandale
Road and I-85


Dear INC Delegates and Interested Friends:


Please attend the first INC meeting of 2010!  We have a great deal of
business to attend to and your participation is vital!


Note that we will meet at St. Luke's Church and not the Herald-Sun Building.
The newspaper has changed its operating hours and can no longer make its
community room available to us for evening meetings.  Thanks to Bob Ashley
and the folks at the Herald for letting INC use their space for so long.  We
are orphans now and we are searching for a new, reasonably permanent home.
We'll find one, don't fear.  Thanks to St. Luke's for providing temporary


As this is the beginning of the new year, it is also a time of renewal and
rebuilding.  Member neighborhoods will soon be asked to renew their
memberships and our coffers will ring with the inflow of annual dues!
Please bring a check to the meeting if you can.  Dues are just $25 - the
same as they were 25 years ago!  We cannot now (nor could we then) run INC
on so small amount of money.  If your neighborhood can afford to pay more,
please consider a larger contribution.


Here is a short version of our agenda:


I.                     Introductions

II.                   Minutes

III.                  Financial and Membership Reports

IV.                Old Business

A.   Bylaws Update Review and Resolution

B.   Spare a Change Program Report

C.   Jordan Lake Update

D.   Billboard Ordinance Revision

E.   Review of INC 2009 Priorities

V.         New Business

            A.   Neighborhood Coffee with Council

            B.   East Durham Summit

            C.   Other Business

VI.        Adjournment


Thanks and see you Tuesday!


Tom Miller




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