[Durham INC] February Board Meeting, Wed. 7 pm

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Mon Feb 15 19:46:28 EST 2010

Dear INC Board Members and interested delegates:


Can we meet at 7 pm on Wednesday, Feb 17, at Bill Anderson's house?  (Thanks
again, Bill, for hosting us.)


Items I have for our agenda include:


1)                   Neighborhood Engagement Workshop - Need to recruit

2)                   Updating the website - please review it and make your
own list.

3)                   Absentee Landlords - need to set up a committee?

4)                   Recruiting new member neighborhoods.

5)                   Renewal plan for existing members.

6)                   Updating databases- city and DCVB - Bill

7)                   Spare a change and aggressive panhandlers on Ninth
Street, elsewhere

8)                   Agenda for February meeting:


Vote on bylaws

Absentee landlords

Census issues - David Harris would like to speak on this

Covering city council, planning commission, and BOCC meetings

Create a neighborhood assistance team.


Do you have anything else we should cover?  Please let me know and we'll add


Since our last meeting, I have sent out e-mails promoting the Neighborhood
engagement workshop.  I also mailed a letter to the neighborhoods on the
database.  This should be interesting because so many of the contacts were
out of date.  I'll bring a copy for you all to see.


Finally, remember, Friday, February 19, is the deadline for registering for
the Neighborhood Engagement Workshop, please e-mail jay.reinstein at durham.gov
to get your neighborhood's representative on the list.


I'll bring some refreshments.




Tom Miller


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