[Durham INC] February Board Meeting, Wed. 7 pm

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 15 21:06:31 EST 2010

Thanks, Pat. I would like to talk about the Jordan Lake fiasco...but I can't make a meeting (other than maybe the INC general members meeting) this month. Just too strung out. That said:

1) I would definitely like to form a committee to review the UDO and make recommendations to sections that appear to give the planning director (or planning dept.) unilateral administrative decision-making power in cases that could conceivably be like the recent Jordan Lake Watershed Redrawing fiasco. Members of this committee could simply be 'assigned' sections of the UDO to review for such potential problems, so that a list of these sections could be compiled for consideration by the JCCPC and the planning department.

2) Once the protest petition appeal is over and done with (should know something by the end of the month, touch wood), I would very much like to create a resolution that, in any future occurrence where a protest petition is judged invalid at/before a public hearing only to be found valid after the fact, the valid protest petition is applied to the gov't body's vote at the original public hearing on the matter. This could be presented to the JCCPC, for starters. But I think it is important that the pending court case regarding this precise scenario is finished before proceeding with an INC resolution in this regard.

Thanks again, and I do hope to make the INC general meeting this month (touch wood).


From: Pat Carstensen <pats1717 at hotmail.com>
To: inc-list at rtpnet.org
Sent: Mon, February 15, 2010 9:39:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Durham INC] February Board Meeting, Wed. 7 pm

 Do you want to talk about the bill to license HoA managers?  Melissa also wanted to talk about issues related to the Jordan Lake fiasco

From: tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
To: inc-list at rtpnet.org
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 19:46:28 -0500
Subject: [Durham INC] February Board Meeting, Wed. 7 pm

Dear INC Board Members and interested delegates:
Can we meet at 7 pm on Wednesday, Feb 17, at Bill Anderson’s
house?  (Thanks again, Bill, for hosting us.)
Items I have for our agenda include:
1)                   Neighborhood Engagement Workshop -
Need to recruit facilitators.
2)                   Updating the website – please review
it and make your own list.
3)                   Absentee Landlords – need to
set up a committee?
4)                   Recruiting new member neighborhoods.
5)                   Renewal plan for existing members.
6)                   Updating databases- city and DCVB –
7)                   Spare a change and aggressive panhandlers
on Ninth Street,
8)                   Agenda for February meeting:
Vote on bylaws
Absentee landlords
Census issues – David Harris
would like to speak on this
Covering city council, planning
commission, and BOCC meetings
Create a neighborhood assistance
Do you have anything else we should cover?  Please let
me know and we’ll add it.
Since our last meeting, I have sent out e-mails promoting
the Neighborhood engagement workshop.  I also mailed a letter to the
neighborhoods on the database.  This should be interesting because so many
of the contacts were out of date.  I’ll bring a copy for you all to
Finally, remember, Friday, February 19, is the deadline for
registering for the Neighborhood Engagement Workshop, please e-mail jay.reinstein at durham.gov to get your neighborhood’s representative on the list.
I’ll bring some refreshments.
Tom Miller
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