[Durham INC] DRAFT minutes of February delegate meeting

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 27 21:44:24 EST 2010

Please let me know about any corrections.  Regards, pat

February Delegate Meeting

First Presbyterian Church

February 23, 2010


Attending the meeting

Delegates and Alternates

Erin Kennedy - Colonial Village

Pat Carstensen - Cross Counties

Bill Dandridge - Duke Park

Jay Levy – Forest Hills 

John Martin – Golden Belt Neighborhood

Mike Shiflett - Northgate Park

Fred Foster, David Harris - Old Farm

Brett Walters – Old West Durham

Tom Miller - Watts Hospital Hillandale

Scott Carter – Woodcroft


Jessalee Landfried – Clean Energy Durham

Lynwood Best - City of Durham (NIS)

Connie Leeper – SE Regional Economic Justice Network

Jennifer Snyder – DPD / Project Safe Neighborhoods            





Project Safe Neighborhoods – Durham police Department, Jennifer
Snyder, presenter

Transit Education – Project Safe Energy, Jessalee Landfried,

2010 Census – David Harris

Treasurer’s report (skipped as treasurer not present)

Home Owner Association Manager Regulation – Mike Shiflett

Bylaws Changes – we may vote on the outstanding resolution

Volunteers Sought:

City Council Meeting Cover and Report

BOCC Meeting Cover and Report

Planning Commission Meeting Cover and Report

INC Neighborhood Assistance Teams

INC Boards and Commissions Appointments Oversight Committee

Confirm Appointment of Mike Shiflett as INC Representative to:

Community Association Institute

Durham-Orange County Friends of Transit

Local Emergency Preparedness Committee

Community Success Forum

Other Business




Tom Miller opened the meeting and those present introduced


Jennifer Snyder talked about Project Safe Neighborhood’s focus on partnering with citizens.  They will be having a variety of
events: a public meeting on March 24 on dealing with gun crime, a big family
fund night just before National Night Out, presenting to neighborhood
associations.  They will be doing
more intense stuff in 40 target neighborhoods, like going door to door.  Neighborhoods and other organizations
can do things as a group to further safety, like mentoring / tutoring at-risk
youth.  She also talked about other
Project Safe Neighborhood initiatives, such as targeting repeat offenders (the
STARS program).  For more
information:  http://www.durhampolice.com/psn/ 


Jessalee Langfried talked about a project between Clean
Energy Durham and Triangle Transit to encourage folks to bike, walk, and take the bus more.  Between April 15 and June 15, they will
be going into target neighborhoods to work with folks more one-on-one to help
them find alternatives to single-occupant cars that work for them (going as far
as riding with them on the bus). 
There will also be a variety of events: bike to work week, free bus
rides to Earth Day Festival, and Bull City Summer Streets.


Connie Leeper talked about the importance of making sure
everyone in Durham is counted in the
census:  it’s about getting our
share of state and federal funds, our share of representation in Congress and
the General Assembly, and generally our future.  A brochure is available at: http://www.democracy-nc.org/downloads/CensusCardEnglish.pdf


Mike Shiflett talked about how the NC legislature is looking
at issues with the regulation of
homeowner associations (HOA). 
Durham has hundreds and will have more as new developments are
built.  HOAs collect fees for facilities
(clubhouses, streets, etc.) and enforce rules (colors of houses, for
example).   There have been
problems with managers taking off with the collected dues and fines.  NC law is 15-20 years behind some other
states.  If you want a look at the
proposed legislation it is at:  http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/billlookup/billlookup.pl?Session=2009&BillID=H762


Tom Miller talked about the need for volunteers to cover public meetings; not only do we make elected
officials feel like they are being watched but it is an opportunity to spot
“embryonic” neighborhood associations that are fighting some threat in their
area.  For neighborhood assistance
teams, we would ideally have 2 teams of 2 people that could work to help get
new neighborhoods organized.  INC
has historically lobbied for good applications to bodies such as the Planning Commission,
so we would need someone to watch for openings and check out the applications.


Mike Shiflett has been serving as INC representative on:

Community Association Institute

Durham-Orange County Friends of Transit

Local Emergency Preparedness Committee

Community Success Forum

David Harris moved and Brett Walters seconded to confirm
Mike in these roles.  The motion


The meeting was adjourned.

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