[Durham INC] P.S. School Impact Fees

Ed Harrison ed.harrison at mindspring.com
Sat Mar 6 14:43:44 EST 2010

In North Carolina, school impact fees have no relationship to  
municipal budgets, which I think I recall are the subject of the  
ongoing discussion.

The neighboring counties, Chatham and Orange, which were able (several  
years ago) to get local bills passed by the entire legislature to  
enable school impact fees, had completely united legislative  
delegations. And those legislative delegations were almost identical  
from county to county. The leaders of the affected/benefiting counties  
and school districts were also unanimous, and lobbied hard to get  
this. Any dissent within a local delegation for a local bill makes it  
unlikely it will even get introduced, much less passed by a majority  
of both legislative chambers.

Ed Harrison

On Mar 6, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Melissa Rooney wrote:

> And we should not stop fighting for the right to charge school  
> impact fees on new construction, as at least two other nearby  
> counties are permitted to do. The inequality in this is reason  
> enough. But the fact that DPS is facing even more drastic cuts this  
> year than last year (see Durham News this past week) should compel  
> Durham to fight for this right even more.
> Of course, development interests will continue to fight this tooth  
> and nail...but that's no reason to stop pursuing it.
> Melissa (Rooney)
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