[Durham INC] Durham Planning Commission Seat: for June 2010 appointment

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 11 15:13:32 EST 2010

Planning Commissioner (for Durham County) Linda Smith's seat is up for reappointment this June, and apparently two commissioners are recommending replacement in order to provide more 'diversity' to the commission. Linda has served one term and has learned the ropes quickly. She is an objective citizen with no connection to the development industry, who does her homework and looks at all the angles. She is the kind of commissioner who will actually visit a site, in person, to get the full picture. Her hard work deserves recognition and reappointment, and Durham deserves her experience and objectivity on the planning commission.

Here's a recent Herald Sun article on the matter:

I hope that you will take a few moments to email the county commissioners with your support for Linda Smith's reappointment to the Planning Commission:

commissioners at durhamcountync.gov, beckymheron at nc.rr.com, brendahowerton10 at yahoo.com, ereckhow at aol.com, jbowser2 at nc.rr.com, mdelanopage at aol.com,

(And please feel free to spread the word, though I'd appreciate it if you'd remove my name from correspondence, as this issue needs to come from Durhamites, independent of my association.)

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