[Durham INC] City Board vacancies

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 5 07:21:55 EDT 2010

I am resending this, with the vacancies of particular interest to neighborhoods in the text of the e-mail, in the hope that it is more likely to be sent to neighborhood list-serves. Applications are due for most of these by next Friday.  You can get an application from www.durhamnc.gov 

Due to terms expiring, there
will two (2) vacancies on the DURHAM
OPEN SPACE & TRAILS COMMISSION representing Ward 1 and Ward 2 with the
terms to expire June 30, 2013.


The primary purpose of the Commission shall
be to provide advice to the Durham City Council and Board of County
Commissioners on matters relating to open space preservation and trail
development.  In order to provide
recreational and environmental benefits for the citizens of Durham County, the
Commission shall promote the preservation of valuable open spaces, the
preservation of natural vegetation and stream valleys within the urban and
rural environment, and the development of trails and other appropriate recreational
and transportation facilities for pedestrians and bicycles.  The Commission shall promote the
protection of the natural environment where appropriate to serve the public
interest, with equal consideration for long-term care of the environment and
the short-term pressures of growth. 
In doing so, the Commission shall foster the wise use of the County's
natural resources and shall strive to involve all segments of the Durham
community.  The Commission meets on the 3rd
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Committee Room/2nd Floor/City


Due to a term expiring, there will be one (1) vacancy on the DURHAM CITY-COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS
BOARD representing the category of LAW with the term to expire on June 1,


The Board advises both the
City and County governments with regard to environmental policies.  They educate the public and local
officials on environmental issues, performs special studies and projects on
environmental questions as requested by City or County governments, vacilitates
citizen participation in local government deliberations on environmental
matters, studies changes in environmental science and law and promotes
intergovernmental and public/private cooperation.  The Board meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at
6:00 p.m. in City Hall.  


Due to a term expiring, there will be one (1) vacancy on the DURHAM CITY-COUNTY APPEARANCE COMMISSION
with the term to expire on April 1, 2013.


The purpose of the
Commission is to enhance and improve the visual quality and aesthetic character
of Durham City and County.  The
Commission consists of 15 members, seven members appointed by the City Council
and eight members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.  A majority of the members shall have
expertise in a design field such as architecture, landscape design, city
planning, horticulture, urban design or a related field.  While encouraging applicants with
expertise in aesthetics, attempts shall also be made to assure that the
appointments represent a cross section of the community.  The Board meets the 3rd
Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Room B located on the Ground
Floor of City Hall. 

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. 
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