[Durham INC] PLEASE help put a garden classroom in every elementary school in Durham -- it's NOT hard!

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 5 14:50:46 EDT 2010

Please see the email below regarding a major initiative to get garden classrooms into ALL of our elementary schools (not just a precious few privileged ones), and please consider donating $20.00 to this initiative (if you must donate less, this will also be accepted, of course). Consider it a very meaningful Easter gift to all the kids of Durham (and to your Durham community at large).

 Go to http://www.neemtree.org/donate/ and click on the “Donate” button. All major credit cards accepted. (You may donate any amount.) We are also looking for in-kind donations or use of a truck and tools. 

See below for full details on the program.

Melissa (Rooney)
(please remove any spaces that may have been inserted into email addresses and links in the forwarded message below, as these will prevent you from reaching the correct page).

Natural Environmental & Ecological Management (NEEM)

614 Shepherd St., Durham, NC 27701 (Mail a check here)
2001 Chapel Hill Rd., Durham, NC 27707 (Retail and Nursery)
Phone: 919-321-6111
Email: neem at mindspring. com
Internet: www.neemtree. org

In Durham WE HAVE a BIAS for ACTION when it comes to equal opportunity for our children, Teachers and their Schools:

We are a group asking for a $20 donation from 2,000 Durham citizens so every elementary school in Durham is able to have a garden classroom. We believe that all children deserve an equal opportunity to have a quality education and good health which will be enhanced by hands-on work and school programming related to their garden. We also believe that what one public school has, so should all the others.

Lets do it now, not talk about it for a year.

NEEM, a non-profit sustainable urban agriculture organization and a project of the Preservation Committee of the Neighborhood PRIDE Alliance, in partnership with Neighborhood Improvement Services, Duke University and our other partners have six school gardens scheduled and fully or partially funded. Funding is in place for Kitchen Garden Classroom Curriculum development along with membership at Bull City Forward, – a working space dedicated to helping high impact ideas get to scale. This is a call to action by us to you to fund the rest.

Here are some ways you can help make this goal a reality:

Donate $20.00: Go to www.neemtree. org and click on the “Donate” button. All major credit cards accepted. (You may donate any amount.) We are also looking for in-kind donations or use of a truck and tools. 

Adopt and Mentor a garden: $1650.00 (four raised beds with compost and seasonal plants). For a breakdown in cost per school contact us at neem at mindspring. com - we encourage those that adopt a garden to also mentor it, contact us at urbanqardens@ neemtree. org and put HEALTHY KIDS in the subject line.

Corporate volunteers and in-kind donations: Construction, retail home supply, developers, irrigation, compost and grounds maintenance supply, nurseries or any group that feels it has some inventory and/or time to contribute, contact urbangardens@ neemtree. org and put HEALTHY KIDS CORPORATE in the subject line.

Civic groups, non-profits, groups working in Durham on sustainable concepts and CDC’s: We want your help to make this happen. It doesn’t matter who does it as long as it gets done. Contact us at urbangardens@ neemtree. org and put HEALTHY KIDS NP in the subject line.

Thanks for your support - The Group:

The Neighborhood PRIDE Alliance Preservation Committee, Constance Stancil, The City of Durham Department of Neighborhood Improvement Services, NEEM, John Schelp, Milo Pyne, Jeffrey A. Ensminger, Melissa Rooney, Brian Rosa, Habitat for Humanity of Durham, Novozymes Natures Green Leaf, Mike Shiflett, Kirsten Nygard, Wanona Satcher, Gemma Cooper, ELI - Christopher Gergen – Bull City Forward and Duke University. 


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