[Durham INC] April INC Meeting Agenda

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Mon Apr 26 21:03:35 EDT 2010

Dear Neighbors:


Thanks to Pat Carstensen for her meeting reminder.  Our meeting will be at 7
pm tomorrow, April 27, at First Presbyterian Church downtown (300 block,
East Main Street).  Remember to park in the rear and come in the back door.


Please attend this meeting.  Lorisa Seibel of the Affordable Housing
Coalition will tell us about several possible housing initiatives which will
affect all neighborhoods


Here is a brief run down of our agenda:


I.                     Introductions

II.                   Minutes

III.                  Durham Housing Agenda - Lorisa Seibel, Durham
Affordable Housing Coalition

Lorisa will talk about a rental property inspection proposal, the "Penny for
Housing" budget proposal which INC supports, a proposal for inclusionary
zoning, and housing and transit planning.

IV.                Billboards - where we are and where we're headed

V.                  Bylaw Changes - adoption?

VI.                Neighborhood Heroes 2010

VII.               Neighborhood Announcements

Tell us what's going on in your part of town and how can INC help?


Thanks and see you tomorrow!


Tom Miller








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