[Durham INC] 751 Ass. Opposition T-shirts and Run (via the People's Alliance)

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon May 17 13:00:36 EDT 2010

751 Ass. Opposition T-shirts (via the People's Alliance) -- $15 for non-runners, but you need to order today. To order, please email Kate Fellman at fellto at hotmail.com and durhampa at mindspring.com (remove any spaces in this link).

The design is attached as a pdf and an ai file -- it reads 'How Far for a Buck? Vote NO on 751'  The shirts are $15 for non-runners, the funds from which will go toward paying for the runners' shirts.  The shirts will be bright green to allow them to stand out more. You do NOT have to run to get a shirt, but if you want a shirt or you do want to run, you need to respond to Kate Fellman at the PA today -- as the shirts will be ordered tomorrow.

Background: The People's alliance is organizing a 1-2 mile run in opposition to the 751 Assemblage rezoning case. The run is tentatively scheduled for Thursday evening, May 27th. However, there is a good chance that the public hearing will be delayed from the June 1 date (that's right, it's been moved from June 14 to June 1 now) depending on what happens with regard to an appeal of the ~1 week deferral (which we consider hardly a deferral at all).

The logistics and meet points are still being worked out, as is the date, obviously. In the meantime, 751 Opposition T-shirts are being ordered, and you don't have to run to get one. In order to pay for free t-shirts for the runners, the PA is offering t-shirts for sale to anyone who wants to buy them ($15 a piece).

They're pretty clever shirts, I think. And it'd be great if buyers wore them to the public hearing on the 751 Ass....whenever we figure out exactly when that will be.
If you would like a shirt, please reply to Kate Fellman at fellto at hotmail.com (remove any spaces in this link)
1. How many shirts you want and the sizes.
2. Whether or not you are running (if you plan to run, your shirt will be free).
3. If you are running, does the above date will work for you? (even if it doesn’t, send Kate the size in case the date gets moved!)

Melissa (Rooney)

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