[Durham INC] 751 Ass. Rezoning Public Hearing postponed until August...

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Thu May 20 16:38:27 EDT 2010

The public hearing for the 751 South (the 751 Assemblage) rezoning has been postponed until August at the earliest. The run in opposition to this rezoning, which is being sponsored by the People's Alliance, has also been postponed until closer to the actual public hearing date -- the new date and time will be announced when it is rescheduled. In the meantime you can still order the PA's t-shirts ('How Far for a Buck?') for $15 by contacting Kate Fellman at: durhampa at mindspring.com (remove any spaces in this link).

Here's the background info (from Samiha Khanna's Independent news blog)  on the rescheduling of the public hearing: 


Stay tuned...
Melissa (Rooney)

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