[Durham INC] 751 Ass. Appeal to the BOA -- BOCC to meet in CLOSED session TONIGHT.

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon May 24 14:49:22 EDT 2010

Surprise, surprise...the county commissioners' chairman is questioning our planning director's actions AGAIN. And again he's doing so behind closed doors. So much for democracy and public awareness in Durham. See the article below:


Looks like once again our planning director's responsibilities are being usurped by the Commission Chairman.

First Medlin issues a deferral for June 14 (after more than adequate discussion of the date at a BOCC board meeting). In less than 24 hours, the Board of County Commissioners decides, off the cuff (that is, there was not even an official meeting about this), to change the deferral date to June 1 (a mere 8 day deferral). Then an appeal to the BOA (Board of Adjustment) is filed regarding this inadequate deferral time period -- when was the last time you heard of any meeting being deferred less than a single cycle. And on May 21 Medlin informs the BOCC and all others involved in this appeal that the appeal is deemed legitimate, thereby requiring a hearing at the next BOA meeting (July 27). And now the BOCC chair has called one of his characteristic closed-session meetings to apparently question the planning director's decision and determine, for himself (and his supporters), whether the appeal to the BOA is warranted. All this when the UDO gives the
 planning director the discretion to issue deferrals in the first place.

[And of course, this is just for the current rezoning case -- we all know the BOCC's unprecedented interventions in the planning department's handling of the previous Jordan Lake Watershed rezoning case.]

Why the anomalous micromanagement by the BOCC majority? You'd think they'd welcome the delay, since it brings the development closer to the date when the Jordan Lake Rules are imposed. And we all want any new developments to abide by the Jordan Lake rules, the bill for which Durham citizens are responsible, don't we? 

--Melissa (Rooney)

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