[Durham INC] May Delegates' Meeting, Tuesday Night, 5/25, 7 pm

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Mon May 24 21:07:42 EDT 2010

Dear Neighbors:


I am back from visiting Beijing's neighborhoods (and you thought you had


Please come to tomorrow's delegate's meeting.  We have several resolutions
to debate and act upon (see the attached agenda).  I have asked Melissa
Rooney to report to us what has been happening in the 751 Zoning case.  We
have no action item pending here, but the twists and turns of this case make
a cautionary tale that every neighborhood advocate should hear.


This meeting should be short, but it is very important.  We need a good turn
out so that we can take action on the two housing-related resolutions before
the city and county finish their budget hearings for the year.


At our next meeting, I hope to have Planning Director Steve Medlin talk to
us about the role of neighborhoods in the UDO and to tell us frankly how the
UDO is working for neighborhood groups.


Finally, please come ready to report what's going on in your neighborhood.
How can INC help?


Please see the attached agenda and minutes (thanks, Pat).


Can't wait to see you all.


Tom Miller

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