[Durham INC] 751 Rezoning Resolution Draft

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Tue Jun 1 22:10:54 EDT 2010

Dear Neighbors:


At our meeting last week, we heard a report on the progress of the 751
rezoning case now pending before the Board of County Commissioners.
Following that report and the discussion that followed a resolution was put
forward to oppose the rezoning on procedural grounds.  Because the BOCC is
scheduled to take the case up on June 23, only one day following what would
have been our regular June meeting, the delegates present at the May meeting
voted to advance the June meeting to June 15, 2010, at 7 pm.  (Right now,
please plan to attend the meeting at First Presbyterian church, downtown.
If the venue changes, I will let you know.)


A draft of the 751 resolution is attached.  I call upon the maker of the
motion and the second to review it carefully to make sure it conforms to the
oral resolution made last week.  If it does not, please let me know so that
I may change it.  


Everyone else, please let this draft of the resolution and the minutes which
our secretary, pat will forward to us soon, serve as notice of the subject
matter of our June meeting.  Between now and that meeting, please report to
your constituent organizations for instructions on how to vote on June 15.


Thanks you for your attention to this important matter.


Tom Miller

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